All systems are operational

About This Site

We'd like to keep Amilia up 100% of the time. When that doesn't happen, we write about it here. Over the last three years, we had 99.98% uptime.

MAINTENANCE mensuelle du Samedi 21 Septembre 2024 / Monthly MAINTENANCE Saturday September 21st 2024

MAINTENANCE mensuelle du Samedi 21 Septembre 2024

Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus pour améliorer la stabilité et optimiser nos systèmes, nous effectuerons une maintenance planifiée sur nos équipements le Samedi 21 Septembre à partir de 9H PM et ce jusqu'au Dimanche 22 Septembre 5H AM. Durant cette période, des ralentissements et interruptions de service pourraient survenir sur la plateforme.

Nous nous excusons pour les inconvénients occasionnés.

Merci pour votre compréhension, L’équipe Expérience Client

Monthly MAINTENANCE Saturday September 21st 2024

In a continuous effort to optimize and keep our systems stable, we will be doing a planned maintenance on our equipments Saturday September 21st from 9 PM up to Sunday September 22nd 5H AM. During this time, slow down and unavailability of the service might occur.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your comprehension, The Client Experience Team

Past Incidents

15th November 2023

No incidents reported

14th November 2023

No incidents reported

13th November 2023

No incidents reported

12th November 2023

No incidents reported

11th November 2023

No incidents reported